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Simple Unreal blueprint

Ground Navigation
UE User Guide


The Mercuna middleware is integrated into Unreal Engine as a standard plugin compatible with Unreal Engine 4.25 or later, or Unreal Engine 5.0.1.

  • Binary evaluation UE5 – The binary evaluation version of Mercuna must be installed as an Engine plugin – unzip the archive and copy the Mercuna directory to the Plugins/Marketplace directory (you may need to create the Marketplace subdirectory) within your Unreal Engine 5 install, e.g. UnrealEngineDir/Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/Mercuna.
  • Binary evaluation UE4 – The binary evaluation version of Mercuna must be installed as an Engine plugin – unzip the archive and copy the Mercuna directory to the Plugins directory within your Unreal Engine 4 install, e.g. UnrealEngineDir/Engine/Plugins/Mercuna.
  • Source version UE4 and UE5 – For source versions of Mercuna, it can be used either as a Game plugin or, if you are building the engine from source, as an Engine plugin. Simply copy the Mercuna directory into the Plugins directory in your Game/Engine folder.

If you have also licensed Mercuna 3D Navigation, then the plugin will provide both ground and 3D navigation capability. See the Mercuna 3D Navigation User Guide for documentation of the 3D Navigation capabilities.

Once installed, the Mercuna components, actors and menu will automatically be available when you next start the editor.

Configuring Agent Types for navigation

Mercuna Ground Navigation enables path finding and following for pre-configured agent types. There is no restriction on the number of agent types. The properties of these agent types must be set up on a per-project basis. In the UE4 editor, under Edit | Project Settings… | Plugins | Mercuna you will find Ground Agent Types. These specify the parameters for the different kinds of agents that will navigate using Mercuna Ground navigation.

Configurable Agent Type properties

The properties of these agent types change the generation of the Nav Grid (see later) which marks the areas of the geometry over which your agent may travel. These parameters are:

  • Category [Character/Animal/Vehicle] – The category of the agent. This determines the kind of paths the agent can follow and how it can move, more detail below.
  • Shape [Circle/Rectangle] – The projected 2D shape of your agent, usually a circle for characters or a rectangle for animals and vehicles.
  • Pawn width – How wide your pawn is (and hence how narrow a route you can path down). If the agent’s shape is Circle, this gives the diameter of the agent.
  • Pawn length – How long your pawn is (e.g. which destinations could your vehicle fit in lengthwise). If the agent’s shape is Circle then this will automatically be set equal to the Pawn width.
  • Step height – The height of the biggest step that an agent can step up or step down. This allows agents to go up stairs or make other steps between navigable surfaces that are at different heights.
  • Height clearance – The height of your agent (i.e. the lowest tunnel your pawn can path through).
  • Max Slope Angle – The maximum incline your pawn can ascend/descend (in degrees).
  • Max Angle Change – The maximum slope angle between adjacent cells that should be considered navigable (reducing this prevents paths going over sharp peaks or troughs).
  • Ledge Margin Fraction – Distance to remain from ledges/precipices, expressed as a fraction of the half-width (for circular agents only). Reducing this allows characters to get closer to a ledge than they can to a wall.
  • Navigable Materials – Physical materials that the agent is allowed to navigate on. If any materials are specified here then the agent can only navigate on those materials and no others. If no materials are specified here then the agent can navigate on any material except unnavigable materials.
  • Unnavigable Materials – if no navigable materials are specified then the agent can navigate on any material except the physical materials specified here.
Agent Categories

The agent category controls whether the agent is allowed to turn on the spot, and how edges of physical materials with different friction are considered.

Characters are allowed to turn on the spot, so a standard A* pathfinder is used to find the shortest path to the character’s destination regardless of how sharp the turns required are. Path smoothing is still applied so characters will avoid making sharp turns when there is space available to do so.

Animals prefer not to turn on the spot, so Mercuna’s kinematic pathfinder is used. This means that animals will prefer to take corners in smooth arcs even if there is a shorter route that requires a sharp turn available. However, if there is no alternative the animal is able to turn on the spot.

Vehicles can’t turn on the spot. Mercuna’s kinematic pathfinder is used, but if the only route to a destination requires a turn sharper than the vehicle’s minimum turning radius, then no path will be found.

Additionally, for vehicles the available surface friction is considered at the sides of the agent shape, to account for the positioning of the vehicle’s tyres.

The agent category also determines the way in which the navigation component for navigating pawns can be configured, presenting options appropriate for that type of agent.

Configuring the Navigation Grid

A Mercuna Nav Grid is used to find paths for characters, animals and vehicles.

Example settings for Mercuna Nav Grid

A Nav Grid is generated in the level everywhere that is within a Mercuna Nav Grid Volume. A Nav Grid can simultaneously support multiple agent types, controlled by the Supported Agent Types setting. Create agent types in the project settings, as detailed above.

Cell Size sets the resolution of the Nav Grid which Mercuna will use to find paths for agents. Using a smaller cell size will allow a more accurate representation of the navigable space, but more memory will be consumed and pathfinds will take longer. As a guide, we suggest setting cell size to half the width of your narrowest agent.

If you have agents of very different sizes, it can be more efficient to use a second nav grid with a larger cell size for the larger agents. We recommend that the largest agent using a nav grid should be no bigger than three times the size of the smallest agent.

Use Nav Seeds controls whether nav seeds are required. If switched off then unreachable areas aren’t removed from the nav grid, increasing memory usage.

The Never Save property indicates whether the nav grid will be built from procedurally generated data at runtime, so any navigation data generated in the editor should not be saved (see Runtime Grid Building below).

The Geometry Collision Channel specifies the collision channel used to query whether geometry should be considered for navigation by this nav grid. For a collider to be considered by navigation it must have “Can Ever Affect Navigation” set to true, and give a Block response to this collision channel.

The Physical Material Priorities are discussed below.

Setting up the navigable space

To set up a nav volume, first add a Mercuna Nav Grid Volume actor into the level, and size it as required. Only boxes are supported, so to describe more complex boundaries of the navigable area, multiple Nav Grid Volumes can be configured.

If Precise Boundaries is switched on, the boundaries of the nav grid volume are considered hard edges, beyond which your agents can’t move. However, if the Precise Boundaries option is turned off then navigable space will extend up to a high power of 2 boundary in the quad-tree. This allows a significant memory saving when there is open space around the navigable area and you don’t need to precisely specify the edge of the area your agents will move within.

Example settings for Mercuna Nav Grid Volume

LOD and Full Detail Build settings are currently ignored by Mercuna Ground Navigation, they will be supported in a later version of the product.

The grid generation parameters to be used in this level are configured on the Mercuna Nav Grid actor, and on the Agent Types set in the project settings. Upon creation, the parameters are set to default values. These defaults can be modified in the Mercuna project settings.

Nav Seeds

In order to identify which regions should be considered navigable, Mercuna requires you to place Mercuna Nav Seed actors into levels. This allows uninteresting regions, such as the small isolated areas inside hollow geometry or large areas outside of the level boundaries, to be excluded and avoids pawn positions getting clamped into disconnected regions.

A Mercuna Nav Seed needs to be placed on or above the ground in the area of the level where pawns will navigate. This seed is used during construction of the nav grid to find all connected reachable cells, by flood filling the region starting at the nav seed. Any area not connected to the seed will be considered unnavigable. If you have multiple disconnected areas in your level where you expect pawns to move, a seed must be placed in each separate area.

Nav Seeds are disabled if Use Nav Seeds is off on the Nav Grid, or when using Nav Invokers to generate the nav grid. In this case unreachable regions of the nav grid aren’t culled, increasing memory usage – but this means that these regions can easily be connected by nav grid rebuild.

Note that if you also have Mercuna 3D Navigation, the nav seed will also seed any nav octree.

Exclusion Volumes

A particular box volume can be completely excluded from navigable space by adding a Mercuna Nav Exclusion Volume actor to the level. By default the exclusion volume will be applied to all nav grids (and all nav octrees if you also have Mercuna 3D Navigation).

If you have multiple nav grids in a level, and only want the exclusion volume to apply to one of them, then you can explicitly specify which grid the exclusion volume is linked to via the volume’s properties.

The exclusion volume may be rotated and scaled.

Building the Nav Grid

Unless runtime generation is being used, the Nav Grid must be built after it is first configured or after the level geometry has changed. This can be done by selecting Build Grid from the Mercuna menu (accessed by clicking the Mercuna button in the Toolbar). An on screen notification displays the progress of the nav grid construction.

If full Mercuna logging is enabled (see Logging section below), then you will see the generation progress for each nav grid in the output log, and the total memory consumption of the grid is reported.

Memory usage and Performance

The main influences on memory usage and performance are:

  • Cell size: Smaller cell size nav grids use significantly more memory and take longer to generate and find paths through.
  • Density of geometry: Large open navigable volumes are stored efficiently, volumes with dense geometry and narrow corridors use more memory and take longer to find paths through.
Multiple levels

Mercuna supports both level streaming and world composition by saving the nav grid that is relevant to each streamed or composed level (sub-level) within that level.

When using level streaming or world composition, Mercuna Nav Grid Volumes and Mercuna Nav Seeds should be placed in the sub-level so that they are loaded and unloaded at the correct times.

When editing the Persistent level you will see one Mercuna Nav Grid in each loaded sub-level, this nav grid is automatically associated with the Nav Grid Volumes and Nav Seeds that are in that sub-level.

In order to allow seamless navigation between nav grids loaded from different sub-levels, Mercuna merges together nav grids loaded from sublevels at runtime. To enable this feature, the nav grids in the sublevels must have exactly the same settings, have the same orientation, and have the Allow Nav Graph Merging option set.

Additionally, all Nav Grid Volumes must have Precise Boundaries disabled in order to allow the associated nav grids to merge. This ensures alignment of the volumes present in each nav grid, so that whole nav grid tiles can be copied during nav grid merging.

If Allow Nav Graph Merging is false, the nav grid settings don’t match, or precise boundaries are switched on, then nav grids won’t be merged and multiple nav grids will exist at runtime. In this case you can manually switch pawns between nav grids using the Set Nav Grid function on the Mercuna Ground Navigation Component.

Generating Nav Grids in Multiple Levels

The best way to generate the sub-level nav grids is from the Persistent level. Load all your sub-levels using the levels window and then select Build All Nav Grids from the Mercuna menu. This ensures that geometry that overlaps between levels is correctly represented in each level’s nav grid. Once generation is complete, save all the sub-levels.

If it is not possible to load all levels due to memory constraints, go through each sub-level containing a Mercuna Nav Grid in turn. Load a sub-level and all levels that contain geometry overlapping or close to Nav Grid Volumes within that sub-level, generate the nav grids in that sub-level by selecting them and using the Build Selected Nav Grid option from the Mercuna menu. Then save the sub-level and go on to the next.

World Partition (UE5 only) – experimental

Mercuna supports UE5’s new World Partition system in a way that is transparent to the user and is designed to be simple to use.

In contrast to Level Streaming or World Composition maps, where a Nav Grid per sublevel is required, in a World Partition map you only need a single Nav Grid and then can freely place Nav Grid Volumes that can span large regions.

Internally Mercuna automatically splits the grid data into chunks and saves each part within an invisible grid of MerNavDataChunk actors. As these chunk actors are loaded and unloaded by the World Partition system, both in the editor and at runtime, the corresponding part of the grid will be merged in on load, or purged from memory on unload.

The whole map can therefore be covered by a single Nav Grid. Nav Grids are stored as non-spatially loaded actors and will always be present, whereas the Nav Volumes/Modifier Volumes/Exclusion Volumes are stored as spatial actors that are streamed in and out by the World Partition system as required.

Nav Grids can also be built using the Mercuna world partition commandlet. This will build all the Mercuna nav graphs by iteratively loading the cells within the specified map. The commandlet can be run from the command line using:

UnrealEditor.exe ProjectName.uproject MapName -run=WorldPartitionBuilderCommandlet -Builder=MercunaWorldPartitionBuilder


When the Nav Grid is built in the editor, only the part that corresponds to currently loaded editor cells will be generated. Actors immediately surrounding the loaded cells will be automatically loaded by the build process to ensure the edge of the generated volume is consistent. These actors are then unloaded once the build is complete. You must not load or unload editor cells while the build is running.

It is therefore possible to generate one part of the grid, save that section, and then load a different set of editor cells, generate the grid for that region, and then have both sections of the grid seamlessly merge together at runtime.

If the Nav Grid is placed into any data layers, then when building in the editor only actors that share at least one data layer with the Nav Grid will be included for the purposes of generating the grid.

Runtime builds and rebuilds work as normal, but note that they will only build based on the geometry that is currently loaded in the specified volume.

Load Complete Event

When a nav grid is loaded and ready for use the OnLoadComplete event on the Nav Grid triggers. In simple configurations where nav grids aren’t loaded from multiple sub-levels simultaneously and there is no level streaming, this event is triggered immediately after the nav grid is loaded. However, if the nav grid is merged with another nav grid when the level is loaded, then OnLoadComplete is not triggered until the merge is complete. Once the event fires, you know that pawns are able to navigate across the merged part of the nav grid.

Runtime Grid Building

It can sometimes be desirable to build the Nav Grid at runtime, particularly for procedurally generated levels. Since these grids will be generated at runtime it is recommended that they should have the Never Save property set on them. This prevents any data that might be generated in the Editor while testing from being unnecessarily saved.

The build can be triggered by making a request on the nav grid actor (via Blueprint or C++) using the Build function. Once nav grid generation has fully completed, the event OnBuildComplete is triggered.

On Demand Grid Building

As an alternative to using Build to generate the whole of the nav grid, you can instead choose to generate only sections of the grid at runtime.

To do this, set Never Save on the nav grid as normal and then use the Rebuild Volumes function to build the grid in sections. If you want to generate the grid in volumes that may have already been partially generated, but the geometry within those volumes has not changed, set Only Unbuilt on the call to Rebuild Volumes.

Spawning Nav Grid at Runtime

You can spawn nav grids at runtime in the usual way. The basic properties of the nav grid, such as cell size and agent type, must be set at spawn time. If you spawn through Blueprint then these properties can be set on the spawn actor function. If you spawn in code then you must use deferred spawning to set these properties before finishing the spawn.

You must then associate Nav Grid Volumes with the nav grid before building the nav grid using either Build, Rebuild Volumes or Nav Invokers. Use Add To Nav Grid on the Nav Volume to associate it with the nav grid at runtime. If this is done before the nav grid is built, then you don’t need to call Rebuild Changes.

Runtime Grid Rebuild

Specific volumes of the Nav Grid can also be rebuilt while the game is running using the Rebuild Volume or Rebuild Volumes functions on the Nav Grid actor. Rebuild Volume is normally used to pick up runtime changes when just a section of the level changes, such as a door opening.

Once the volume has been rebuilt, the event OnRebuildComplete is triggered. This event includes the volume that was regenerated, to aid with scripting.

Pathfinds and reachability tests that go through the regenerated region may fail while the regeneration is in progress. Once regeneration is complete, all active paths are recomputed if they go through or close to the regenerated region, causing actors to path around new obstacles or through newly available shortcuts. If a pathfind fails during regeneration, you may want to retry it once the OnRebuildComplete event has been triggered.

Regenerating a region will not cause newly connected areas outside the regenerated region to become seeded. If a runtime regeneration might connect a volume that is not connected to any other nav seed when the nav grid is built in the Editor, you must place a seed within that volume.

In the screenshot above, the green region on the left is navigable and seeded. The wall in the centre has a door in it, and when this opens Rebuild Volume is triggered through blueprint to regenerate the navigation data around the door.

However, navigation into the region on the right will still not be possible because that region was not seeded. This can be fixed by adding a Mercuna Nav Seed into the right hand region.

Alternatively, if geometry might be destroyed in arbitrary locations so that you aren’t sure what areas of the world might need seeding, you can disable nav seeds so that nav grid will cover all possible navigable surfaces regardless of reachability. To do this, switch off Use Nav Seeds on the nav grid.

Physical Materials

Physical Materials are used by Mercuna to determine the surface friction available for vehicles, as well as being one way of specifying regions of higher path cost (using a Mercuna Physical Material).

Therefore, it is important to check that the nav grid is picking up your physical materials correctly. You can do this with the Cells – Surface Type nav grid debug draw mode.

If meshes with different physical materials are overlapping, then the nav grid might pick the wrong one up during the build. To override which material is picked up, you can specify which physical materials have priority on the Mercuna Nav Grid actor.

Physical Material priority ordering

Any physical materials listed here will have priority in the order they are specified in the array, and all other physical materials will be given lower priority.

Physical Materials on Landscapes

Mercuna picks up physical materials from landscapes if they are set up, but the Unreal Engine configuration can be confusing. If you are seeing unexpected behaviour then these notes may help:

  • Any physical material set on the Landscape Material on the Landscape is ignored. You must set the Default Phys Material on the Landscape instead.
  • For landscapes with multiple layers, the physical material is set on the LayerInfo.
  • In UE4 versions prior to UE4.25, there was a bug that meant physical materials weren’t applied to the Landscape after being set. Workaround this by toggling the

Generate Overlap Events setting in the Collision properties of the Landscape to cause UE4 to pick up the physical material change

Nav Invokers

For procedural maps, or very large open worlds, it is sometimes not possible or desirable to generate the entire navgrid at editor or even at initial load time. Mercuna therefore offers a nav invoker system that generates and maintains patches of navgrid in a local area around specified actors. As these actors move through the world new navgrid is generated in front of them, and no longer needed navgrid removed from behind them.

Patches of navgrid created around two nav invokers

The advantages of using nav invokers is for very large worlds not having to store the entire navgrid in memory, and for procedural levels not having to wait at game start for the entire grid to generate. However the biggest disadvantage is the extra CPU usage as navgrid is constantly being generated and removed as invokers move around.

One other major constraint is that agents can only move to destinations within the area of the generated navgrid. Requesting an agent to move to a destination outside this area will fail.

Registering an invoker

Usually it will be AI/NPCs that are registered as nav invokers, though it is possible to register any actor as one. For each invoker you will need to specify the Generation Radius and the Removal Radius. The Generation Radius is the distance within navgrid must always exist, while the Removal Radius is the distance with which navgrid can exist. Any navgrid beyond the latter distance from an invoker will be culled. However, for performance reasons these distances are approximated and not strictly obeyed. The Removal Radius must always be greater or equal to the Generation Radius. In cases where there exist multiple nav invokers of the same agent type within the world, navgrid is shared between them.

An actor can be registered as a nav invoker in two different ways.

  1. Calling the RegisterInvoker function on the appropriate Navgrid. When registering a nav invoker through the RegisterInvoker function, the agent type must be specified manually. The actor can be unregistered using the corresponding UnregisterInvoker function
  2. Adding a Mercuna Nav Invoker component to a pawn. If the pawn has a Mercuna ground movement component the invoker’s agent type can be automatically detected from it. Alternatively, the agent type can be specified manually if required. When the pawn is destroyed it will be unregistered as an invoker.

In both cases, the Generation Radius and Removal Radius must be manually specified.

On registering the first invoker with a navgrid, if there are any existing areas of generated grid (that had been previously created via a runtime Build/Rebuild call) they will be cleared.

Runtime Rebuilds

When doing runtime rebuilding of an area of the navgrid, while using nav invokers, only parts of the grid within the specified volume that are within range of a nav invoker will be rebuilt. Also, only nav grid of the same agent type as the nav invoker will be rebuilt.

Invoker Volumes

Invoker volumes denote areas in the world that should be either always generated or generated in their entirety if any part of the volume is overlapped by a nav invoker. This can be particularly useful in geometry rich parts of the world, where a path to reach a nearby point may require the agent to take a detour outside of the currently navigable area.

An invoker volume can be created by adding a Mercuna Nav Invoker Volume actor to the level. Each invoker volume belongs to a nav grid and must have the same orientation as associated nav grid actors.

The invoker volume Type property can either be Always (default) or OnOverlap. A volume set to Always means that nav grid will always be present through the volume, regardless of whether any invokers are in or near it. Nav grid for OnOverlap volumes is only generated when the volume is overlapped by an invoker.

The nav grid for Always nav invoker volumes can be generated by an editor build. Just these volumes will be generated and then saved as part of the level. Building the grid for these volumes at editor time saves having to generate the grid at game start up time. For building Always volumes in the editor, Use Nav Seeds must be disabled on the nav grid.


Finding paths through the Nav Grid can be done implicitly by making your pawn movement controlled by Mercuna, this method allows you to take advantage of the Mercuna steering system.

Mercuna also supports partial paths (disabled by default). A partial path is returned when a complete path can’t be found to the specified destination, if it is disconnected from the start point, for example. Instead Mercuna returns a path to the closest point to the destination that is reachable.

Nav Grid Testing Actor

In order to easily debug and understand pathfinding problems a pair of Mercuna Nav Grid Testing Actors can be used to generate test paths. Simply drag two testing actors into the level, and on one of the actors set the other one as the Other Actor, and set the agent type.

When you do this a test path will be drawn connecting the two actors. This path will update when either actor is moved. A white path means a complete path could be found, while an orange path means that only a partial path could be generated.

The Min Turn Radius property sets the radius of the smallest turning circle, and the Ideal Turning Radius sets the turning circle it ideally tries to turn at if space is available. The Max Speed allows for some basic speed integration.

Slope Penalty (0-1) indicates how much the agent disfavours slopes (note that this is relative to the maximum slope for the agent type). Max Path Length allows you to control how far the pathfinder will search.

An example path between two Mercuna Nav Grid Testing Actors
Navigation Cost Multipliers

There may be particular surfaces that agents should not path over. Mercuna supports a custom Physical Material to allow this to be specified.

To create a Physical Material with a navigation cost multiplier, create a new Physical Material blueprint and specify MercunaPhysicalMaterial as the class.

Creating a Mercuna Physical Material

The Mercuna Physical Material has an additional property, Cost Multiplier.

Mercuna will treat paths over any surfaces using this material as if they were Cost Multiplier times longer than their path length. This means if the multiplier is set above 1.0x then Mercuna will prefer paths that navigate around the surface with this material.

Due to the nature of the A* algorithm used for pathfinding, costs can only be increased and not decreased below 1.0x. Using a very high cost multiplier will mean that the pathfinder will search a long way for alternatives, and thus can considerably increase the computational cost of the path find. For this reason, the maximum cost multiplier that can be set is limited to 15.0x.

Creating a Mercuna navigated Agent

In order to allow pawns to use Mercuna to navigate they need to have the following components:

  • Mercuna Ground Navigation – this component provides the pawn with navigation capabilities, accessible through Blueprint.
  • Mercuna Obstacle – this marks the pawn as a dynamic obstacle for the purpose of ground navigation. The obstacle component must be a child of the root scene component.
  • A suitable movement component, currently this must be either a Character Movement or Wheeled Vehicle Movement component
Vehicle blueprint setup for Mercuna navigation
Navigation Component

The navigation component offers both a C++ and Blueprint interface for making movement requests to the pawn.

Mercuna will try to automatically find a Mercuna Nav Grid that is compatible with the Agent Type set on the Ground navigation component, and automatically fill in steering parameters based on the setup of the pawn. Alternatively, these can be explicitly overridden here.

For the purposes of navigation the size and shape of the agent will be taken from the Agent Type. When the navigation component is selected the agent’s navigation shape will be drawn in the viewport so that you can check that it is a good fit for the agent.

Obstacle settings

Example ground navigation components where steering parameters have been explicitly set

Example for a wheeled vehicle

For wheeled vehicles, check these settings in your agent type configuration:

  • The maximum slope angle (in the project settings) – the vehicle may ‘believe’ that it can travel up slopes that it cannot, or cannot travel up slopes it is able to.
  • The step height or max angle change is too high – The vehicle attempts to drive over terrain that is too rough

If you are manually setting the steering parameters that control how Mercuna expects the vehicle to behave, then

  • Max Speed – The maximum speed of your vehicle
  • Max Throttle Acceleration – The acceleration of your vehicle, limited by the power of your engine. Note that for high values you may be limited by the friction of the physical surface.
  • Max Brake Deceleration – The deceleration provided by your brakes.

Specific to Vehicles, in the Movement Style there is the Traction Estimate, increasing this above 1 causes the vehicle to overestimate the available traction and make higher speed turns at the risk of sliding. Reducing the value has the opposite effect of underestimating the traction resulting in more cautious driving.

The reverse speed will be picked up automatically for PhysX vehicles, and for a NavGridTestingActor the maximum speed in reverse will default to ¼ of the MaxSpeed.

Example for a slowly turning animal (e.g. a horse)

Mercuna ground navigation can be used to steer an agent that has a CharacterMovementComponent.

It is recommended to use velocity-based (rather than acceleration-based) path following (this is due to the UE character movement component rotating the character based on the acceleration vector input). To configure velocity-based path following make sure that Use Acceleration for Paths is disabled on the CharacterMovement component.

Either set Orient Rotation to Movement True, or to get smoother rotation set:

Use Controller Rotation Yaw False on the Character, and set Use Controller Desired Rotation True and Orient Rotation To Movement False on the CharacterMovement Component.

If you are manually setting the steering parameters that control how Mercuna expects the animal to behave, then

  • Max Speed – The maximum speed of your animal
  • Max Acceleration – Should be set to the maximum acceleration of your animal
  • Min Turning Radius – Radius of the tightest turn your animal can make while moving


Example for a humanoid Character

Settings should be similar to a slowly turning animal. By setting the agent category to Character the pathfinder will allow paths with sharp corners, taking advantage of the characters ability to change direction quickly.

Obstacle Component

Any actor can be made a dynamic obstacle by adding a Mercuna Obstacle component. It is expected that Mercuna navigated pawns will usually have one, but other pawns such as the player, might also have an obstacle component so that the AIs avoid them.

Obstacle settings

By default Mercuna will automatically try to calculate the best shape of obstacle that encloses the pawn, for pawns with a Mercuna Ground Navigation component this will be set based on the agent type. Alternatively, the shape and size can be manually set. The available shapes are Sphere, Box, Cylinder. The shape only applies for avoidance.

The Movement Type configuration specifies how avoidance should treat the agent. Characters will prefer to deviate from their path in order to avoid other agents, whereas Vehicles will prefer to adjust their speed but stay on their path. Additionally, characters will adjust their paths assuming that vehicles will not avoid them.

Actors with an Obstacle component should have “Can Ever Affect Navigation” switched off on their Collision settings on all their components so they aren’t baked into the nav grid.

Modifier Volumes

Nav Modifier Volumes provide a mechanism for designers to influence and limit navigation within specific regions. For example, you can increase the cost of navigating through an area, such that paths will prefer to go around it, or you can mark volumes as being restricted to particular pawn types, or pawns as restricted to staying within certain volumes.

Usage flags

In the project settings you can define up to 32 custom global usage types. These can then be assigned to individual Modifier Volumes to mark what the volume represents. Flags corresponding to each usage type can be set on the Ground Navigation Component of pawns to indicate which types of volumes it is allowed to enter, or that it is required to stay within.

For example, if you define a Fire usage type, you can mark Modifier Volumes as representing a region that is on Fire. By default pawns will not be allowed to enter that region, but they can be configured to enter and move through Fire regions as normal, or alternatively can be restricted to only move inside of Fire regions (e.g. a fire demon).


During a path search through the Nav Grid, Modifier Volumes allow designers to increase the cost of specific volumes and therefore discourage pawns from moving through them.

When a volume has a modified cost multiplier, the path distance is multiplied by the cost multiplier to calculate the expense of traversing a volume. The size of the additional cost of passing through a volume determines how far pathfinding will search for longer alternative routes that avoids it, before deciding to use it as part of the path.

Due to the nature of the A* algorithm used for pathfinding, costs can only be increased and not decreased below 1.0x. Using a very high cost multiplier on a volume will mean that the pathfinder will search a long way for alternatives, and thus can considerably increase the computational cost of the path find. For this reason, the maximum cost multiplier that can be set on a volume is limited to 15.0x.

If multiple modifier volumes overlap, the maximum cost multiplier across the overlapping volumes is used.

Using Modifier Volumes
Defining usage types

Usage types are defined in the Mercuna page of the project settings. Up to 32 usage types may be defined.

Warning: removing usage types doesn’t update the usage flags configured on existing modifier volumes or navigation components. Removing the Water usage type in the above example, means that all the usage flags on actors that previously corresponded to Water, will now be applied to the Glue usage type instead.

Creating modifier volumes

To create a modifier volume, add a Mercuna Nav Modifier Volume actor into the level, size and rotate it appropriately. Only box shaped Modifier Volumes are supported. To describe more complex boundaries, multiple Nav Modifier Volumes can be created.

Configuring modifier volumes

In the Mercuna section of the modifier volumes property panel, the cost and usage types for this volume can be configured.

Modifier volume properties

Whenever a volume is created, moved or resized in the Editor the navigation grid must be rebuilt for the change to be applied.

Nav Modifier Volumes need to be associated with a nav graph. Similarly to Nav Grid Volumes, if the Mercuna project setting “Auto Link Nav Volumes with Graphs” is enabled (the default) new modifier volumes will be automatically linked to the nav graph if there is only one nav graph in the level when they are created. Otherwise you need to manually set the correct Nav Grid in their properties.

Configuring navigation components

Costs are automatically taken into account during pathfinding and spatial searches, but by default agents will not enter modifier volumes that have any usage types set. To allow or require pathfinding through volumes of particular types, the corresponding usage flags can be set on the Mercuna Ground Navigation Component.

The default for each flag is Not Allowed. Required means the agent can only move in volumes and through nav links with that usage type set. Allowed means the agent may, but does not have to, enter volumes and nav links with that usage type.

Runtime changes

At runtime, the settings on Modifier Volumes can be updated using the SetEnabled, SetUsageFlags and SetCostMultiplier functions on the Modifier Volume actor. These functions are exposed to blueprint.

Any paths through the changed modifier volume will be updated to reflect the change.

Changing these settings is relatively inexpensive, compared with the cost of a full grid rebuild for the modified volume.

Modifier volumes may be added, removed or moved at runtime, however this requires rebuilding the nav grid in the modified volume (the rebuild is triggered automatically), so should not be done too frequently.

To add a modifier volume, spawn a Modifier Volume actor, set the usage types and cost multiplier, and then use the AddToGraph function to add the modifier volume to the nav grid.

To remove a modifier volume, simply destroy the actor, or alternatively call RemoveModifierVolume on the NavGrid.

Modifier Volumes can be moved, rotated and resized by changing their transform in the normal way.


A maximum of 32 modifier volumes can be present in each 64×64 cell tile of the nav grid. There is also a limit of 255 distinct overlapping combinations of modifier volumes within a tile.

Nav Links

Sometimes you will want agents to navigate in non-standard ways, for example climbing a ladder or making a jump. Mercuna Ground Navigation supports this through Nav Links.

A Nav Link has two ends, labelled Left and Right, and a connection is inserted into the navigation graph between the two ends when the nav grid is built. You can choose for the link to be navigable in one or both directions.

A simple navlink representing a jump

Your Blueprint or Game code is responsible for actually traversing the link, whether by teleportation, playing an animation or any other method desired. Once the agent reaches the end of the link, Mercuna takes control again and continues the navigation.

Nav Link Creation

Normally, you will create a blueprint for each type of nav link supported in your game, and then place instances of these blueprints into your levels.

To create a Nav Link blueprint, add a new blueprint class, deriving from MercunaNavLink.

When an agent uses the nav link, the Nav Link Start event is triggered on the nav link. This supplies the Pawn navigating the link the direction the link is being navigated (left to right or right to left) and the position of the opposite end of the link.

When this event is fired your blueprint or game code should cause the agent to move to the destination, e.g. by triggering an animation.

To complete the nav link and resume the agent moving down the rest of the path, you can call the Nav Link Complete function on the Mercuna Ground Navigation component. Alternatively, you can set a non-zero auto completion distance for the destination end of the nav link, if this is set Mercuna will automatically trigger link completion once the agent is within that distance of the destination.

Configuring the Nav Link

After selecting the nav link actor, you can position the ends of the nav link by clicking on them and then moving them in the normal way.

If you specify a limited Entry Angle range then you can also rotate the end to determine the acceptable range of entry angles, the black arc represents the valid entry angles.


The path finder normally considers the cost of moving through the navigable space to be equal to the distance the agent needs to move. For nav links, the cost can be adjusted to make agents prefer to use the link, or prefer not to. By default, the cost is set to the distance between the endpoints.

Note that if the link has a lower cost than the straight line distance, then it will only be used preferentially if the path finder discovers the link during its search. This won’t happen if a straightforward path is available, but the agent would have to go backwards to find the cheaper nav link, for example.

Usage Types

Similarly to Nav Modifier Volumes, usage types can be configured on Nav Links in order to restrict which types of agents can navigate the link. See the Modifier Volumes section of the documentation for full information on setting up Usage Types.

Note that if an agent has a usage type set to Required then that usage type must be set on the nav link for it to be able to use the nav link.

Agent Types and Nav Grids

You must specify which agent types the nav link supports. By default, the nav link will be associated with all nav grids that have navigable space at the endpoints of the link, if you want to restrict it to a particular nav grid, you can specify that explicitly.


In order to give smooth, natural looking movement Mercuna uses polynomial curves to interpolate between path points to generate smooth curves. These splines are constructed taking into account the available space.

Whereas the pathfind is performed when an agent is given a destination, the smooth curve is generated on demand. If the agent is pushed, or has to avoid other actors causing it to move away from the curve, then the curve and, if necessary, the underlying path are automatically regenerated.


Mercuna offers dynamic obstacle avoidance to ensure that pawns don’t collide while moving. Any actor with a Mercuna Obstacle Component is automatically considered as an obstacle that needs to be steered around for the purpose of avoidance. For the purpose of avoidance agents will be treated as circles if the obstacle is a sphere or a cylinder, or as a rectangle for box shaped obstacles such as vehicles (if the rectangle is rotating rapidly it is treated as a circle).

The avoidance algorithm used by Mercuna is a modified version of ORCA velocity obstacle method that additionally takes into account the fixed level geometry stored in the nav grid. In the Mercuna Ground Navigation Component there is a MinAvoidanceTime which can be adjusted to change how early the agents attempt to avoid a collision (shorter times mean the agents move past each other more aggressively). A default avoidance time of around 0.3s is recommended for characters, or 1s for vehicles.

Blueprint Functionality

The following functions are available on the Mercuna Ground Navigation Component and can be used to direct an agent to move between goals:

    • MoveToLocation – move to a position, stopping within end distance of the goal.
    • MoveToLocations – move through a series of positions, visiting them in order.
    • AddDestinationLocation – add an additional destination to the end of the current path. The agent must currently be moving to a position or series of positions.
    • MoveToActor – move to within a given end distance of a destination actor, if the destination moves while the pawn is moving, the path will be updated to track the destination.
    • TrackActor – follow a given actor attempting to stay with a specified radius. If the target actor is moving the pawn will match it’s speed when within the track radius.
      • CancelMovement – immediately terminates the agent’s current movement action
      • ConfigureMovement – prompt the actor to reconfigure itself, for example if it has been moved between nav grids or the vehicle configuration has changed. Any current move actions are cancelled.
      • OnMoveCompleted – a delegate that is triggered whenever a movement action is complete. Returns the result of the movement action as to whether it completed successfully, failed, was cancelled or was invalid (usually due to an invalid destination).
      • GetNavGrid – Get the current nav grid this pawn is using.


Mercuna currently offers four simple EQS tests. These first three of these tests are filters returning whether a point passes or fails, and do not score the points

      • Navigable – test whether a point is within the seeded, navigable area for a pawn. Be aware that the points might be disconnected from the querying pawn, however this test is much cheaper than a reachability test.
      • Reachable – test whether a point is reachable by a pawn from its position within a specified path distance. If the path distance is set to 0.0, then a faster test is used that only filters out points that are not connected to the pawn at all. This test does not consider the turn rate limits of the pawn, so it only guarantees that a path can be found to the target for pawns that can turn in place.
      • Raycast – test whether there is a clear straight line path from the context to the positions.

The fourth available EQS test is:

  • Path Length – test whether the points are reachable, and score the reachable points based on the path length from the querier to the point. This test does not consider the turn rate limits of the pawn, so it only guarantees that a path can be found to the target for pawns that can turn in place.

Additionally, Mercuna offers one EQS test that modifies the positions of the test points:

  • Project – test whether a point is in a navigable area and project it vertically on to the nav grid. The test fails and the point is not moved if the point is further than the maximum projection distance from the nav grid.

Mercuna also offers an EQS point generator:

  • Random On Navgrid – Generates a number of randomly placed points on the navgrid generated using a uniform distribution, such that all points are within a specified path distance of the context’s querying actor.

Debugging Problems

If you find that your pawn is not moving as expected, or at all, there are several debugging mechanisms available within Mercuna to help quickly identify problems.


Mercuna makes logs to the Unreal logging system to indicate progress and error conditions. By default, only Warning and Error logs are written, to enable progress information add the following to DefaultEngine.ini:



If more information is needed then Editor Preferences > Mercuna > Enable Extra Logging, can be enabled. This option persists between editor restarts. Extra Logging causes Mercuna to output all log messages, including additional debug messages, to a dedicated Mercuna.log file, located in the same directory as the standard Unreal logs.

To enable the Mercuna.log on standalone builds, add the following line to the Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini:



Mercuna is integrated with Unreal Engine’s inbuilt profiler. The current amount of time Mercuna is taking to run each frame, as well as the current memory usage, can be seen using the stat Mercuna console command.

Example Mercuna in editor profile

If an entry in the profiling list has (Job) after it’s name, then it is being run as an asynchronous job on a background thread and so will normally have no effect on the frame rate.

Debug Actor

When trying to understand the actions of a particular agent, it can be useful to set it as the Mercuna debug actor. This can be done by selecting the agent and setting it as the Mercuna debug actor in the Mercuna toolbar menu. The same menu also allows the debug actor to be cleared.

On screen log messages will be displayed for the Mercuna debug actor and additional debug draw is available.

In Debug builds or if the define MER_DEBUGGING is set, then additional debug logs will also be recorded to Mercuna.log for the debug actor. If you report a movement problem to Mercuna support it is helpful to include these logs and a video capture of the problem.

Debug Draw

In order to help understand the current movement of Mercuna controlled actors the following debug draw is available from the Mercuna editor menu:

  • General: Shows speed and velocity vector for all Mercuna actors
  • Obstacle bounds: Shows blue spheres representing the dynamic obstacles registered with Mercuna
  • Paths: Shows all paths currently being followed by Mercuna actors
  • Steering: Shows the desired velocity vector for the current debug actor
  • Avoidance: Shows various pieces of avoidance related debug draw for the current debug actor including the velocity obstacle cones and the ORCA planes.
Navigation Grid
Debug Draw

In order to help understand Mercuna’s representation of the geometry for navigation, you can draw the navigation grid, there are the following modes:

If you only have a single Agent type defined in your project, the navigation properties for this will be automatically displayed, otherwise you will need to select the desired agent type.

  • Grid cells – Which cells in the navigation grid an agent could traverse (in green).
  • Pathfinding polymesh – The polygon mesh used for accelerated character pathfinding and reachability tests.
  • Last pathfind for debug actor – Polymesh representation (for characters) or Grid representation (for animals and vehicles) of the last pathfind for the selected debug actor or a Nav Grid Testing Actor showing A* costs.

When one of the debug draw modes is active, further advanced options are shown at the bottom of the Navigation Debug Draw Menu that allow you to further customize what is drawn.

Exporting the grid

When building a nav grid on a server, due to the lack of rendering, it can be difficult to check that the grid has been generated correctly. Mercuna therefore allows you to export the grid to an OBJ model file, that can be loaded in any common modelling program (including the Windows inbuilt 3D Viewer), via either the SaveToObjFile Blueprint node or the console command:

mer.Grid.SaveOBJ GridActorName AgentTypeName [Polymesh]

The exported obj file will be saved in the project root directory and named GridActorName.obj.

Migration Issues


The default Mercuna Nav Grid cell size has been changed from 100 to 20, as 20 is a more suitable default for characters. If you have any grids using the default cell size of 100 then these will automatically be changed to use cell size 20 on upgrade. Please check your nav grids if using cell size 100 intentionally (e.g. for vehicle nav grids).


It used to be possible to turn any actor into a Mercuna Nav Seed by adding a Mercuna Nav Seed component. We have retired the seed component, as this allowed some significant performance improvements. Now only Mercuna Nav Seed actors seed the nav grid.

Known Issues

Known issues in Mercuna Ground Navigation:

  • If a pawn is very close to the start of a nav link when it begins moving, it may not reach the correct orientation before entering the nav link.
  • When generating the navigable area, the agent step height is added to the agent’s height clearance. This ensures that the agent can safely go up any steps, but is restrictive when the agent wants to navigate under low obstacles.